About us and how we can Help you

The MERICK team has been working on the topic of digital recording of energy and resource meters for years. We have put our versatile know-how into the MERICK solution to simplify the life of property and property management. MERICK saves time, money and hassle in real estate management and thus makes a major contribution to customer satisfaction.

Consumption Overview

Simple display of instantaneous consumption and meter readings

Early Detection of Problems

Detection of unusual consumption or constantly running water

Customizable Warnings

Immediate ALERT in case of water leakage and also at certain threshold values.


Regular daily, weekly and monthly reports on object incidents

Was unsere Kunden sagen

Was  Kunden zu unseren Leistungen und Produkten zu sagen haben.

Matthias Fricke

Almost all of our products come from Matthias Feder. In addition to the position of managing director, he also heads the research and development department.

Anton Fricke

As a 3D printing specialist in our team, Anton supports the research and development department and creates things out of nothing. He also takes care of the production.

Doris Mailänder

Supports us with her many years of sales experience and her super sales training in sales and sales planning.

Thomas Bauche

Our software specialist for the backend systems and client software with experience from several decades of internet solutions.

MERICK Hardware

Overview of the products of the MERICK family. We work every day on new innovative products to expand the MERICK family.

MERICK Software

The heart of our MERICK system is the software, which runs on the MERICK hardware, the server and on the Apple or Android devices or in the web browser.

The MERICK Process

The MERICK system consists of various components.


The various energy and resources are measured or read out via our diverse sensors and transmitted to the local central unit, the CDC (Clever Data Controller).

Analyse / Upload

The CDC is already analyzing the incoming data and storing it locally in the building. When using the MERICK cloud services, the data is sent securely to the server for further processing.

Analyse / Management

The data is processed on the servers in accordance with data protection regulations in order to send notifications and evaluations and, if necessary, also to notify incident management systems. The data for the apps on the web, Apple and Android devices is also made available here.

View / Alerts

The current and, if applicable, historical data are displayed on the apps. Alerts are received via push notifications or emails. Incident management systems can also call through a telephone list in emergencies.

Simple - no purchase necessary!

MERICK is available as a subscription – including the hardware!

Learn more

Contact us if you want to know more about MERICK!

Email: hallo@merick.de

Fon: +49 (0) 40 67516201

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